Football Memories Scotland
Established in 2009, Football Memories Scotland is a national partnership between the Scottish Football Museum and Alzheimer Scotland which supports hundreds of reminiscence groups across the country. The Football Memories project assists people living with memory loss conditions, including dementia, and more broadly, people experiencing loneliness and social isolation. We provide a range of reminiscence resources and reminiscence training to help volunteers and organisations run reminiscence groups. Football Memories Scotland is a Game Leader organisation with Scottish Para-Football and is a constituent part of Memories Scotland.

Scottish Para-Football
The world’s first national association devoted to Para-Football, the organisation was established in 2019 and strives to promote development opportunities and increase participation across Para-Football throughout Scotland. As well as Football Memories Scotland, the participating Game Leader organisations include Amputee Football, Frame Football, Deaf Football, Pan Football, Autism Football, Cerebral Palsy Football, Mental Health Football and Powerchair Football.

Memories Scotland
Memories Scotland is the latest development of a Scotland-wide project connecting heritage resources with reminiscence activity. The original Football Memories project developed into a wider partnership involving heritage networks for the sports of cricket, rugby, golf, shinty and speedway. In 2021, the network was extended to include Scottish libraries and local history collections. With the addition of wider social history resources on the themes of Working Life and Social Life, the Memories Scotland archive is set to engage new audiences with this expanded collection of historical images, artefacts, film and audio.

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